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Health Care

In a perfect world, the government would let the citizens keep what they earn, and the citizens would use their earnings to purchase private health insurance. But in today's world, I would honestly settle for simply abolishing the single payer model.

There are multiple levels of problems with health care in Canada. First, what we call health care, is not about promoting good health outcomes through healthy eating and active lifestyles. Instead, it is about treating the sick. Sometimes this treatment is unforeseeable, such as is the case with a broken arm. At other times, it is as a result of the choices we make in life, such as is the case with an alcoholic being diagnosed with liver cancer. Another problem with our health care model is that it is highly centralized, and private practices, which are more independently thinking, are being regulated out of existence in favor of larger hospitals, which are more receptive to government strategy. A third problem, still, is that we have a socialist system where everyone pays into a single pot, and then the government decides how to spend that money, called a single payer model.

The problem with our health care system is the same problem inherent in all socialist systems. It assumes that there is no difference between a sole practitioner doctor and a doctor working in a hospital with 5,000 staff. What we see now is that regulations are being used to wipe out sole practitioners. The government loves this because they get no push back on government policy from the hospitals. The large health care companies and health care providers love this because their smaller competition has been all but wiped out, and they can sell their products and services directly to the government. The unions love this because the government will pay out whatever they want since it is all tax payer money anyways. What results is a hollowed out society, where the top 1% get richer and where the government turns around and demonizes some mystical middle class, and then increases the average person's taxes instead. In short, we have a single payer model that renders us completely dependent on the provincial and federal governments for our health.

What we need instead, is privatization of the health care system, the introduction of small practice friendly regulations that favor the local doctor over large, multi national health care conglomerates, and then, and only then, a safety net to provide for those that cannot afford healthcare on their own. Thereafter, the federal government needs to respect the constitution and get out of the health care sector entirely, given that health is a provincial jurisdiction. The existence of Public Health Agency of Canada is an affront to our founding document.

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